

主辦單位:Green Roofs for Healthy cities.  



會議重點:Build a legacy of outstanding performance. 為了打造傳世的綠屋頂和綠牆設計,協會回到十年前第一次辦展的城市,芝加哥(北美綠屋頂最多的城市),舉辦第十屆年會。透過徵文和專業講者,此次研討會回顧過去十年來的經驗,分享最新的技術,期能提升產業表現水準。




1 綠屋頂綠牆研究/技術論文。(學術面)

2 綠屋頂綠牆設計與應用。(設計面)

3 綠屋頂綠牆法規與推廣活動。(政策面)







Call for Paper and Poster Abstracts



All applications are due by Wednesday, March 21th, 2012.


Please send the completed application electronically to:

Tamara Lee, tlee@greenroofs.org

All receipts for submission will be emailed to candidates by Friday, March 23rd, 2012.




Background and Introduction


One short decade and ten long years since establishing our annual green roofs and green walls conference, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities invites you to the place where it all began - Chicago, the site of the first CitiesAlive in 2003 and North America’s green roof leader for the past decade.


From October 17th to 20th, join Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) and the City of Chicago as we co-host this ‘homecoming’ celebration and continue to establish a higher quality of life in our cities. Together we can build a legacy of outstanding performance for green roofs and walls from coast to coast.  


CitiesAlive is North America’s only conference dedicated to the green roof and wall industry.  Come to Chicago to learn from the past and help shape the future of green infrastructure across the continent.  For this milestone 10th Anniversary, we will look back to learn from the spectacular growth experienced by the green roof and wall industry over the past decade, and look forward to showcase the most leading-edge design, policy, and research work in the green roof and wall industry.


Building a Legacy of Outstanding Performance is the primary theme for this year’s program. A living example of legacy urban planning, Chicago has the most green roof coverage in North America. This would have been impossible without maintenance measures and performance evaluations to protect investments in green infrastructure and to build exceptional progress. The development of performance standards is integral to the growth of any industry.


The performance theme will be approached from three angles:

  • Research/Technical Papers on Green Roof and Green Wall Performance (Research)
  • Green Roof/Green Wall Design and Implementation (Design)
  • Programs and Policies Supporting Green Roof and Green Wall Implementation (Policy)



Research Track: Paper Proposals

For the research track, papers should focus on improving costs, increasing longevity and enhancing performance characteristics through more comprehensive product testing during R&D stages.


Design and Case Studies Track: Session Proposals

The format of the design track is slightly different from past years. Instead of 3 speakers presenting 3 different presentations in one session, a team of presenters will showcase one project for the entire 90 minute session. The team will detail everything from design to installation to maintenance of the project, allowing the audience to learn from experience including failures and mistakes, in order to design, install and maintain better-performing green roofs and walls in the future.


Policy Track: Paper Proposals

Cities including Toronto, Austin and Chicago have already established performance standards for their green roof infrastructure. Performance papers from a policy point of view will focus on performance measures to ensure the success of a city’s investment in green roofs as well as studies on the economic performance benefits.



Selection Criteria:

The CitiesAlive conference call for paper abstracts is looking for papers that display novel ideas on the above-mentioned theme. The abstract content will be evaluated by independent multi-disciplinary volunteers on whether the submission displays innovation, presents new information or describes a new process. The credentials of the authors will be assessed along with the relevance of the paper to the overall conference theme.



CitiesAlive, 2010 (BCIT Photography)


Speaker Benefits


In addition to presenting to a highly interested group of green roof and wall professionals and enthusiasts, as a speaker you are offered reduced speaker rate of $299 to attend the conference.  The speaker pass includes all the benefits of a Full Delegate pass (value $499 - $659), including access to all conference sessions and the trade show, all hospitality including the opening reception, Local Host Committee Gala, all meals on the trade show floor and the Awards of Excellence luncheon.


You will also receive a free electronic copy of conference proceedings that will be available on the Living Architecture Academy in the months following the conference.  You can visit the Living Architecture Academy and preview presentations at http://grhc.sclivelearningcenter.com


Terms and Conditions


To present your paper at CitiesAlive 2012, the following terms and conditions must be met:


1. All accepted speakers are required to submit a paper.

2. All accepted speakers must sign a waiver that allows Green Roofs for Healthy Cities to have the right to use their paper, presentation and PowerPoint on the Living Architecture Academy and elsewhere so that those who were unable to attend the conference may view the presentations online.

3. Speakers will need to pay for their own transportation and hotel expenses. We have negotiated a low room rate at the Congress Plaza Hotel, where the conference is taking place.

4. In the design and case studies track, all projects must be completed at the time of abstract submittal.

5. In the research track, all of the data in the paper must be available by the time you submit your paper for peer review.   Only research papers are required to undergo a peer review.



The Paper Process


The Highlights:


There are 3 volunteer committees that select and review the papers:


1. Programs and Policies to Support Green Roofs and Green Walls,  chaired by Hamid Karimi, Department of Environment, District of Columbia.

2. Green Roof / Green Wall Design and Implementation, chaired by Ron P. Schwenger, Architek Sustainable Building Products Inc.

3. Research/Technical Papers on Green Roof and Green Wall Performance, chaired by Dr. Bill Retzlaff, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.


Every track will undergo the selection process, but only the research papers will undergo the peer review process where comments will be sent back by email. If you would like to be on one of these selection committees, please contact tlee@greenroofs.org.


Papers Submission:


Authors in the research and policy tracks will be able to present for 20 minutes and address 5 minutes of questions during the conference.


Presenters in the design track will present for the full session, 75 minutes to present and 15 minutes for questions. These sessions should have multiple speakers, and they must all discuss the same green roof or wall project. The session should cover everything from design to implementation to current maintenance procedures and focus on lessons learned. There are only 7 slots open for these “Session Proposals” this year, so the projects must be trailblazing and must be no less than 5 years old.


With the notification of acceptance of abstract, authors will receive final paper formatting instructions and a paper template.  Examples of papers and materials presented at the conference can be found online on the Living Architecture Academy (LAA) - http://grhc.sclivelearningcenter.com/. All speakers will be provided with an LCD projector and laptop for their presentation.


Posters Submission:


Accepted posters will allow authors to present for five minutes and address five minutes of questions during the Conference. Upon notification of acceptance, authors will receive final poster formatting instructions and deadlines for final papers. Posters will only be accepted in a 4’x6’ format.



CitiesAlive, 2010 (BCIT Photography)


Detailed Speaker Time Line:


1.      Call for papers for research and policy, call for sessions for design released: February 3, 2012

2.      Abstract submission deadline: March 21

3.      All receipts for submission will be emailed to candidates by: March 23

4.      Acceptances and rejections emailed to candidates: April 20

5.      Speakers must confirm their interest in presenting by: April 27

6.      First draft of papers to be peer reviewed due (Research Track): July 6

7.      Final draft of non-peer reviewed papers due (Policy, Design Tracks): July 16

8.      Peer reviewed papers returned speakers (Research Track) by: August 13

9.      Final draft of peer reviewed papers due (Research Track): October 5

10.  Speaker PowerPoint presentations due: October 9

11.  CitiesAlive Chicago: October 17– October 20. If you are selected to be a speaker at CitiesAlive 2012 your presentation will be scheduled for either October 18th or 19th at the Congress Plaza Hotel in Chicago.


Thank you for your interest in and support of CitiesAlive 2012.




Abstract Submission Form:



Primary Author/Contact






















(this will be the primary means of communication, please check regularly)


Biography :

(50 word maximum)




Secondary Author





















Biography :

(50 word maximum)





Additional Authors:

 (We recommend only one presenter for each paper or poster)


Author 3:











Biography :

(50 word maximum)




Author 4:

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